Monday, May 21, 2007

Starcraft 2

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Yup, its true, Starcraft 2 is heading your way, but the release date is yet to be announced. After a decade after the release of the 1st installment, Blizzard Entertainment, the people who brought you the Warcraft Trilogy will finally be launching 2nd installment of the amazingly popular Starcraft franchise.

Man, it's been years since I last played Starcraft, dating back to the days when I was still in primary school, during standard 5, and back then, if there were no cheats typed in the game, I would not play the game for example, the famous "poweroverwhelming" cheat of, "blacksheepwall" hahaz, it was so fun back. I thought Blizzard was never making another Starcraft, imagine my suprise when I found out about the news, hahaz!!!!

So, now all we can do is to patiently wait for the release of the game, and as my friends and I will always do, HAMACHI!!!!!!!

Till next time, ADIOS!!!!

Oh, P.S: here's the official website for the the game, click
HERE to view screenshots and trailers from the game, oh, I almost forgot, here's a trailer of the game too, it will take a long while to load, supposedly, its hgh quality stuff, ENJOY!!!

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