Monday, May 19, 2008

Nintendo DS: The World Ends With You

It's been a long time since I touched my DS and since the new Square Enix game just launched, I thought I'd give it a try:
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Ya, this is exactly how my DS looks like, cool eh? Black.

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This Game just rawks!!!!! Seriously, its been a long time since I said any game rawks, even Cabal couldn't keep me going very long, I got bored pretty quick as it is just a typical MMORPG, WOW would definitely be a better choice. The game above is called "The World Ends With You" and its fully utilizes the stylus of the DS and gives you a great gaming experience, you actually have to do battle with the stylus, without it, you can never play this game, you fingers would not be small enough.

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You play as Neku and Shiki(the guy and girl in front) at first and both of them are chosen for the Reaper Game which runs on a 7-day period, if you don't finish the missions on each day, then you will get erased from the face of this world, creepy eh.....? Anyway, you will get a text message stating your quest everyday and a timer will appear on your hand until you finish your mission. Finish the mission before the time ends and you will NOT be erased. I just played until the 3rd mission but already found this game fairly entertaining.

The game pits you against monsters called "Noise" and reapers too. You battle using special pins which are called psych which gives you the power of fire, electric, psychic etc. The more you progress through the game, the more pins you get and the more powers you have. You move around the city of Shibuya fighting off monsters and finishing missions. I haven't gotten into the storyline yet so, basically I need to play more of the game to know whats going on, but its a definite must play. here are some screenshots of the game.

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Battling monsters on the dual screen is complicated and you need to hit combos to maximise your attack, for example, on the top screen, you need to hit the right symbols in the right sequence and get a special move to hit the enemies, while battling monsters on the bottom screen. Which for me, its just simply mashing the bottom screen with the stylus while concentrating on hitting the right symbols and when I don't get them , I get f**king frustrated sometimes. It needs a lot of coordination to master the game.

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Neku using a special pin in the game, must be a chain pin or something, I din play that far yet.

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1 example of hitting the symbols in the right sequence while also hitting the enmies on the bottom.

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Cut Scenes from the game, this is exactly what you get on the DS screen, pretty neat eh?

Ok, thats it for now, I'm gonna go back and study 1st before I totally flunk my chem exam, tata!!! Till next time.

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