Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Not a comeback, just feeling bloggy, hahaz.

Life has been good to me these days, maybe because I've read a lot of self help books lately, but I do agree with most of what they say. Life is always hard I guess, but it is always our choice whether or not we want to be happy. It is very true that we choose the emotional state we're in. You might say, it is easier said than done, but how hard is it? Just to change your line of thought?

Sure, sometimes life's bumps are so hard that it makes you feel as though you cannot get up, but in the end, you still have to right? Life is too short for us to stay lying down and do anything about it, life is too colorful and interesting for us to only sit there and pity ourselves, we should embrace it, and live it.

I would love to give you examples of how life has been good to me, but I've got an assignment to finish 1st, so I have to get to that before my lecturer decides to get a hammer and hammer my head, will explain more on my happy life as soon as possible.

And to end on a good note, we choose our happiness everybody!!! So choose well!!!!! Adios!!!

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