Anyway, I finally will take my driver's test next Thursday, can't wait. I so envy my friends who have passed their test, I wanna drive to!!! LOLZ. Talking about the week, me, Law and Logica went to Freddy's birthday this past Saturday and it was quite a blast because this time he finally took out his Karaoke machine and PS2, this provided a lot of entertainment!!!!Me and Logica sang a song together, I don't know how to write it out in english, but I think it means, "The Best Of Chinese Hits", Geng Gou Kam Kok, by Leo Ku which the son lasted for 10 minutes. We really had a blast cause we had be planning to sin this song together for a long time and finally get the chance to sing it at a party, hahaz!!!!
Freddy was so happy that he was drunk by the end of the part lolz, here are some pics from the party:

Thinking its a normal Superman T-shirt? Think Again....

Here is the man of the hour!!!!! Freddy Ng!!!!

Blowing the candles and making a wish!!!!!!

Cutting the cake for all of us.

From Left:Han Phin, Lawrence, Sperman(Freddy), Ji Yuan and Me
I almost didn't make it to the party though cause I've been going out a lot these few weeks and my dad was about to go up the roof!!!! Luckily I had my mom yo help me, Thanks mom!!!
The next day I followed my pops to Kedah for a business trip. I was a bit irritated cause I wanted to play football that day and my dad suddenly needed to go on this trip. But he had sacrificed a lot for the family and after listening to my mom's reasoning, I felt ashamed and followed my father there. He wanted to spend some quality time with the family too I guess, so sacrficing my football time is what I really needed to do(By the way, we made it in time to play footy, lolz...). Anyway, that pretty much sums up this post, I'll end this post with a picture of the Kedah Tower(I think thats what its called).