Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thought For The Week....

Going through quite a phase this week, had a few mood swings mainly on Wednesday night when i decided to bombard Lawrence for a few of his characteristics. I really don't know what came over me, it was like my head commanded me to keep scolding him, like the anger "button" had been turned on, phew, luckily its over now, back to my normal self. Law, I apologise for that night if I hurt you at all, but you have to agree that the things I said weren't completely untrue now right?

Anyway, I finally will take my driver's test next Thursday, can't wait. I so envy my friends who have passed their test, I wanna drive to!!! LOLZ. Talking about the week, me,
Law and Logica went to Freddy's birthday this past Saturday and it was quite a blast because this time he finally took out his Karaoke machine and PS2, this provided a lot of entertainment!!!!Me and Logica sang a song together, I don't know how to write it out in english, but I think it means, "The Best Of Chinese Hits", Geng Gou Kam Kok, by Leo Ku which the son lasted for 10 minutes. We really had a blast cause we had be planning to sin this song together for a long time and finally get the chance to sing it at a party, hahaz!!!!

Freddy was so happy that he was drunk by the end of the part lolz, here are some pics from the party:

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Thinking its a normal Superman T-shirt? Think Again....
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Here is the man of the hour!!!!! Freddy Ng!!!!
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Blowing the candles and making a wish!!!!!!
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Cutting the cake for all of us.
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From Left:Han Phin, Lawrence, Sperman(Freddy), Ji Yuan and Me

I almost didn't make it to the party though cause I've been going out a lot these few weeks and my dad was about to go up the roof!!!! Luckily I had my mom yo help me, Thanks mom!!!

The next day I followed my pops to Kedah for a business trip. I was a bit irritated cause I wanted to play football that day and my dad suddenly needed to go on this trip. But he had sacrificed a lot for the family and after listening to my mom's reasoning, I felt ashamed and followed my father there. He wanted to spend some quality time with the family too I guess, so sacrficing my football time is what I really needed to do(By the way, we made it in time to play footy, lolz...). Anyway, that pretty much sums up this post, I'll end this post with a picture of the Kedah Tower(I think thats what its called).

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